Local AM Paul Davies is urging all those eligible for the free influenza (flu) vaccine to protect themselves and those around them. Vaccination is the best protection against catching or spreading influenza, which is a debilitating and potentially deadly illness.
Mr Davies is joining calls being made by Public Health Wales urging those in at risk groups to make an appointment with their local GP or go to their community pharmacy and get the free flu vaccine soon. At risk groups include pregnant women, people with certain long-term illnesses, those aged 65 or over and carers. All children aged two to eight years are also being offered protection with a simple nasal spray flu vaccine – so no needle. Two and three year olds (age on 31 August 2017) will have their nasal spray vaccine at their GP surgery and children in reception class, year one, two, three and four in primary school will be offered their nasal spray vaccine at school.
Mr Davies said: “I’m pleased to once again back the Beat Flu campaign which is working across Wales to deliver flu vaccines to individuals most at risk of serious complications from influenza. It’s so important that everyone in Pembrokeshire takes the time to make sure they are as protected as possible and I’d strongly encourage those in at risk groups to make an appointment at your GP surgery and have the flu vaccine as soon as you can.”
“Last year in Wales less than half (47%) of those in at-risk groups under the age of 65 took up their free NHS flu vaccination, and we really need to significantly increase the numbers of people being vaccinated in order to prevent the spread of this largely preventable illness.”
Dr Richard Roberts, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme at Public Health Wales, said: “Each year influenza viruses circulate, causing many people to be ill and some to face life-threatening situations. Last year in intensive care units in Wales there were 74 patients with confirmed influenza.
“The influenza viruses change regularly and vaccine protection fades over time, so if you are in a risk group and had the vaccine last year, it is still important to get vaccinated again this year to protect yourself this winter.
“Getting vaccinated against flu every year is the single best way to protect against catching or spreading what is a potentially debilitating illness”.
The flu virus is spread easily via droplets which are sprayed into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Direct contact with contaminated hands or surfaces can also spread infection. It can spread rapidly, especially in closed communities such as hospitals, residential homes and schools.
To find out more about how to get your free vaccine visit www.beatflu.org or www.curwchffliw.org or find Beat Flu or Curwch Ffliw on twitter and facebook.