Preseli Pembrokeshire Senedd Member Paul Davies has recently hosted a briefing event in partnership with Economic Intelligence Wales and the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Wales at the Senedd. The event gave Senedd Members and their staff the opportunity to be updated on the very latest intelligence and information on the economy and current issues impacting small businesses in Wales.
Mr Davies said, “We know that small businesses are feeling the pressure at the moment as the cost of doing business continues to increase and so it was important to hear from the FSB and Economic Intelligence Wales about some of the ways in which governments here in Wales and in Westminster can better support them.”
“We know that small businesses count for around 99.4% of businesses in Wales and provide 62.6% of the country’s employment. For every £1 spent with small businesses in the local community, 63p is re-spent in the local area – and so we cannot underestimate their importance to our local communities. The event gave us a chance to have a frank discussion about some of the challenges that they are facing and how governments can help at this time.”
“The Welsh Government has some significant economic levers and must do everything in its power to create conditions for growth in Wales, by investing in skills, improving access to finance, and reforming our planning system. I will continue to raise these issues with the Minister for Economy and urge the Welsh Government to do what it can to support our small businesses.”