A campaign to raise awareness of Motor Neurone Disease is being supported by local Senedd Member Paul Davies. Mr Davies will be speaking at a cross-party event on Tuesday 22nd June, highlighting the need to make homes as safe and as accessible as possible for people living with Motor Neurone Disease in Wales.
Mr Davies said, “I’m delighted to support #GlobalMNDAwarenessDay to help raise awareness of MND and its impact on people and their families. It’s a devastating disease, with no cure and it’s vital that Governments at all levels commit to understanding the disease further by commissioning more research and ensuring that people with MND can live as safely and independently as possible. I’ll be joining Senedd Members from across the political spectrum this week to look at what more we can do to make homes safer and more accessible for people with MND, so that they can maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life.”
You can find more about #GlobalMNDAwarenessDay here - https://www.mndassociation.org/about-us/who-we-are/mnd-awareness-day/?gclid=CjwKCAjw8cCGBhB6EiwAgORey4Ibl_3JzR2YbKze2J7nXONVN1xJCixAraUO4DV7JW8HWCFhugSSwhoCblgQAvD_BwE