Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Assembly Member Angela Burns joined Welsh Conservative Assembly Group leader Paul Davies and Welsh Government Deputy Minister for Culture and Tourism and Sport, Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM in visiting Hampton Court Holiday Park run by Peter Russ and his wife Sharon.
Mr & Mrs Russ, who own the park on the outskirts of Templeton are in the process of completing a fully accessible shower unit to compliment the fully equipped wooden chalet that they already have on their site.
The unit and chalet are designed with the severely disabled in mind and are equipped with hoists and a wet room to enable wheelchair users and their families to enjoy the beautiful Pembrokeshire countryside.
During the visit Mr Russ discussed with the Deputy Minister about the importance of creating a tourism strategy for Wales which fully took into account the needs of visitors with a range of disabilities from mild to severe.
Commenting following the visit, Mr Russ said“I was delighted to welcome the Deputy Minister to our site. As a local business man and a dad to a son who is wheelchair bound, I feel that we do not have enough provision here in Pembrokeshire to accommodate disabled visitors and their families. The shower units and chalet have been built to the highest standards sourcing equipment from far and wide and whilst functional are built to the highest design standards. It was great to be able to show the Deputy Minister the work that we have undertaken and the facilities that we have. He was keen to hear about our story and plans for the future and has asked me to feed into the tourism strategy whilst it is being consulted on.
Angela Burns AM added “I have known Pete and Sharon since I was first elected in 2007 and have seen the project develop due to the passion, commitment and tenacity of the family. There is a business opportunity to be grasped here in ensuring that accommodation and facilities are built with all users in mind and not just the able bodied and we need Local Authorities and Welsh Government to understand that disability covers a wide spectrum and planning rules must accommodate those with severe and complex disabilities.”
Paul Davies AM added “The facilities that Pete & Sharon have here are excellent. They not only compliment, but add to our tourism offering here in Pembrokeshire and help to make our county fully accessible for all visitors.”