THE BAKE Off marquee made its way to Milford Haven Youth Centre recently, as members of youth organisations showed off their baking skills.
Organised by Pembrokeshire Children and Young People's Rights Office (CYPRO) and funded by Pembrokeshire Youth Bank, six teams from Haverfordwest, Pembroke Dock, Tendy and Milford Haven youth clubs, along with Junior Safeguarding and Young Voices attempted to wow the judges with their show stopping bakes.
After two hours of baking, the judges; Stephen Crabb MP, Paul Davies AM and Bryani Kelly from Pembrokeshire Youth Bank, were set the tasty but difficult task of choosing a winner.
Following much deliberation, and many slices of cake, the judges finally came to decision with Young Voices’ Jamie Bevan and Judith McNamara winning with his summer fruit gateau Victoria Sponge.
Local MP Stephen Crabb said following the event: “It was a tough gig but I just couldn't say no to the opportunity to help judge the Great Council Bake Off.
“All six entries were delicious and well done to all those who took part. It was great to speak to local young people and see them involved in a fun and friendly event and congratulations to Milford Haven Youth Council for organising the day. I look forward to this becoming an annual event in the youth council’s calendar.”
Paul Davies AM said: “It was a real treat to be invited to the Milford Haven Youth Council’s Great Council Bake Off event. There’s certainly some excellent bakers in our youth councils and naturally, as judges we had a tough time selecting a winner! All of the entries were exceptional and I hope the bakers themselves enjoyed the day as much as we did. It was a great opportunity to speak to some of our youth councillors, as well as have a few hours of fun. Therefore, can I once again thank Milford Haven Youth Council for their hospitality and the bakers themselves for the yummy cakes!”
Bethany Roberts, Milford Haven Youth Council member said: ”It was fantastic to see the turn out from councils across the county. The Youth Council would like to thank a number of people for their support including all those who attended, Big Brums for kindly donating carpet for the floor of the marquee, and our youth workers from Pembrokeshire Youth Service.”