Sixth formers mustn’t miss out on vital education because the Welsh Assembly Government is playing a postcode lottery with funding, says Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies.
Mr Davies, who is also Shadow Welsh Education Minister, says that alarming evidence is emerging of an imbalance in sixth form funding.
Following mass demonstrations, the Welsh Assembly Government was forced into an embarrassing u‐turn on plans to cut sixth form funding earlier this year.
However, many colleges are still feeling the pinch with establishments in Swansea, Gwent, Wrexham and Bridgend suffering problems.
Mr Davies pointed out in the Senedd that the extra allocation found for all the sixth forms in North Wales was less than the amount given to some individual councils in the south.
“A north/south divide in education must not be allowed to develop.
“I hope the Education Minister will give us an assurance that he will not allow a postcode lottery to develop, with pupils losing out on extra funds purely because of where they live.”
Mr Davies also highlighted the fact that students in England and Scotland are better funded than those in Wales.
“During a recession it is more important than ever that we build a strong workforce with a varied skills base in preparation for the economic up turn, whenever that should come.
“We need a skilled, educated workforce to help Wales emerge in a strong position from the recession.”