Local Assembly Member Paul Davies is supporting a campaign led by the National Union of Students to help end gender based violence in Wales. Sadly, figures from the NUS show that every ten minutes, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence and every week, more than two Women in England and Wales are killed by a partner or ex-partner. Mr Davies is backing the NUS Wales’ 16 Days of Activism Campaign, which pledges to raise awareness of gender based violence in all its forms by encouraging people to talk more openly about their experiences.
Mr Davies said: “I’m helping to do all I can to raise awareness of gender based violence, by encouraging people to speak out about their experiences and help break the stigma. It’s so important that we create safe and non-judgmental environments for people to come forward and talk about the abuse they’ve faced or witnessed. Violence and abuse is not acceptable in our society and so it’s crucial that we do all that we can to lift the shame from those affected by gender based violence and shift the blame from them to their perpetrators.”