Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies has attended an important site meeting to discuss the Hook and Johnston Waste Water network with Welsh Water. Mr Davies attended the meeting with Marilyn James, the Chair of Hook Community Council to hear more about Welsh Water’s investment and their plans for the local area.
Mr Davies said, “It was very useful to meet with Welsh Water to hear more about their plans to decommission the treatment works at Johnston and replace it with a new pumping station and underground pipeline to Hook. I understand that Welsh Water will be investing £8.5 million on this project and I welcome that investment. However, it’s important that the local community is aware of this work and that there’s an opportunity for local people to raise any issues that they might have regarding the new works with Welsh Water. Therefore, I hope that moving forward Welsh Water will work with the local Community Council and the community to deliver an appropriate waste water network that benefits everyone.”
Chair of Hook Community Council, Ms Marilyn James said, “A new “state of the art” waste water treatment plant in Hook is long overdue and the community is obviously pleased that this update is going ahead. Welsh Water recently attended a Community Council meeting and a public meeting is planned within the next month when local residents will be able to view the plans and ask questions about the scheme. Welsh Water has assured the Community Council that any disruption during the construction of the new site will be kept to a minimum and that the safety of local residents will be of paramount importance.”