Local Assembly Member Paul Davies showed his support for International Women’s Day (Thursday 8th March) by attending the National Assembly for Wales’ programme of events to showcase the suffrage movement in Wales. An exhibition was held, with items and photographs throughout history, showing the rise of the movement both in Pembrokeshire and right across Wales. Mr Davies also attended the book launch of “Rocking the Boat” written by local historian Professor Angela John.
Mr Davies said, “International Women’s Day is a global movement that recognises the progress made by women and it’s important that the Assembly promotes the Suffrage movement and highlights the good progress being made across Wales. It was fascinating to attend the exhibition and see images of Emmeline Pankhurst addressing crowds in Haverfordwest and schoolgirls in St Dogmael’s supporting the rights of women to vote. Of course, whilst good progress has been made, much more can be done and I look forward to working with colleagues from all parties and Governments to advance this agenda.”
He added, “I was particularly impressed with the work done by local historian Angela John, who has written a fascinating book on seven Welsh women who resisted the status quo in Britain during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I’d sincerely hope the book is a huge success and I’d encourage people in Pembrokeshire to buy the book and learn more about how these women changed the world and championed progressive causes.”