Go.On UK has produced a "digital exclusion heatmap", showing the parts of Wales which are lacking in digital competency and Pembrokeshire has been identified as an area of high digital exclusion. The report also shows that 22.8% of adults in Pembrokeshire have never been online or even used the internet directly.
Mr Davies said, “Pembrokeshire has for some time lagged behind parts of Wales in terms of its digital competency and the Welsh Government need to recognise this latest report and take action to address these issues. Broadband provision and mobile phone signal are a blight for some of Pembrokeshire’s communities and targeted action is needed to ensure that businesses and communities in Pembrokeshire can compete in the global race.”
He added, “Digital competency also provides people with skills to better their employment opportunities and benefit our local economy – and that’s why the relevant authorities need to do something to boost digital skills opportunities in the local area, as well tackle broadband speed and mobile signal, which are clearly holding Pembrokeshire back.”